Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The Rise and Fall of Calvin Comet -- Pt. VII

    'I thought that was the end of him... sad really... but everything was such a mess... the lifestyle... the drugs... the pressure... you could see it in that Spaceport album how he'd lost control... what shit that was...'

    PART SEVEN -- Last Train Around The Sun

    The interviewer watched Will Banes carefully, scouting for any signs of emotion. Something behind the years of hardened acceptance, strained relationships, the statuesque poker face, or just a wobble within the sleek coolness to reveal a hidden true self. Nothing. Will Banes spoke his words with objective cold sincerity, a lecturer reflecting with minimal attachment upon an earlier life that was.

    'After Spaceport to Spaceport, do you know where Comet ended up?'
    'Rumours really... Slice would update me... usually drunkenly out of spite... but I heard he went back to Holland for a long while... occasionally he'd appear in a tabloid picture shitfaced... bad photo edits usually... back pages though... then nothing of him...'
    'Until.' the interviewer led on.
    'Of course... can't get out of here without that... such a tragedy... he lived a hard life that one... heavy boozer, though a lot of them smashers were... still sad it had to end that way... great man... face down in a swimming pool... bourbon bottles everywhere... he'd been depressed for a long while apparently... tried to off himself a week before... instead drowned himself in drink til death picked him up.'
    'What exactly happened after that?'
    'Few weeks after the funeral I get a call at home... it was Cal... seems Galaxy's death hit him real hard... he sounded real... engaged and lucid... like the old days... he wanted to bring everyone back together for a record... honour it to Galaxy and make one like we used to... I was onboard no question... so was Slice, Ziggy and Comet's pal Rich Rocket Hurley... we started recording some tunes Comet had bounced around in his sober moments... yeah they sure were something.'
    'The sessions went well, then.'
    'It was like the old days... but we were older and more mature in our crafts... Slice and Comet's guitars were grounded more for melody than outright spaciness... I was really into funk then so my four strings were just goin' for hooks... and Rich Rocket was real sharp... not as thunderous as Galaxy but these particular songs needed that lighter touch... I was amazed how well it flowed for us, especially with our former problems and after all that time apart... those sessions may have been the most fun I've had in a studio... until...'
    'Until?' inquired the interviewer.
    'Well... last song we had to cut... Lovebird... had to redo it cause of some background noise... Comet comes in while we're ready to go... complete mess... he'd been crystal clear the whole time before... never explains why but instead rearranges the whole song... no bass anymore... no keyboards... minimal guitar... practically does the thing by himself and doesn't say a word to any of us...'
    'Interesting, considering that "Lovebird" is such a revered song.'
    'These years later... I agree it is a great song... would've been nice to be on it though. Funny to think what the reception would be if the original version had been the way we intended... every time I talk to Ziggy he gets so mad about all the bootlegs of it floating about... don't really have an opinion either way, personally.'
    'Do you have any idea what caused this sudden change in Calvin Comet?'
    'Not a clue...' replied Will Banes.


    'Pam you've simply outdone yourself with these potatoes this year.'
    'Oh it's nothing. Thought maybe I overcooked them a bit, maybe too much garlic and pepper.'
    'Stop it Brent, stop it! You've always loved my mashed since we were kids and I cooked that one Thanksgiving. Now every dinner you mention them.'
    'I find them way too salty. Someone pass the wine.'
    'Well. Um, well I'll complement them everytime. And this time they're just super great.'
    'Well... ha! I'm glad most of you like it. Say Laur, what have you whipped up for dessert?'
    'The restaurant I work at makes a great Tiramisu. So I stole the recipe and there's a big one in the oven right now for us.'
    'I was wondering what that smell was. Huh. Next year I'm bringing my own wine, this is complete crap.'
    'It was a gift, Jenn. A friend of mine from Italy brought it and well frankly I like it. So if you're in my home the least you can do is enjoy the meal I've slaved over and we can all join in a toast.'
    'Is there a Swiss Chalet nearby? I think it might come to that.'
    'To Auntie Pamela! A far more patient host than any of us can imagine.'
    'Cheers Laurie. Come now, Steckland. Take a sip at least. Stop being so quiet! It won't bite you.'

    I'd said nothing since sitting at the table and now that someone had actually directly addressed me, my first reaction was to comply. I took a sip of this wine, a thick red pond in a tulip shaped glass, and felt an assault on my tongue. Harsh, sharp, lukewarm and unrefreshing, a flavour straight to the nostrils. I'd heard of this "wine" on many separate occasions and now finally on first try, I was completely unimpressed. Maybe if it was chilled or something. Maybe. But I've never wanted to offend Auntie Pam my entire life so I politely sipped it onward as best I could. Besides, those mashed potatoes were made of heavenly clouds, the first non-chip/candy bar/cereal food I'd eaten since I got here. 

    'Steckland! There are seconds if you want more! I'm glad I used extra potatoes this year. Dig in!'
    'Watch what you say, Pam. That boy will eat you out of house and home if you let him. That's what leeches do, they suck everything out before you notice.'
    'You're really on your game tonight, aren't you? Maybe another jug of wine will sharpen your fangs, Aunt Jennifer?'
    'Laur please don't...'
    'Great! My unmarried niece speaks up. So lady-like. Serving tables until she's seventy. Hey Laurie, where's your boyfriend tonight? Wait... have you ever had a boyfriend? Didn't think so! Why is it that boys don't want you, Laurie?'
    'Calm down Jenn...'
    'You... you useless waste of skin... you wanna know why I don't have a boyfriend? Really? That's what you want? Fine! FINE! It's because I --'
    'Laurie don't! Not here! Not like this!'


    Suddenly I was in a moment. I'd been deliberately avoiding moments, pushing them away for dear life. Now a moment had come, surrounded my people no less. A serious moment. Better to rise than to shrink when summoned, so I continued:

     'Aunt Jennifer, you... you witch... you suck the life out of every room! People exhale when you leave because they're glad to be rid of you! Have you ever said anything nice about anything? I bet any kind thought you'd ever have would die of loneliness! And dad, grow a fucking spine could ya? Auntie Pam, your dinner was superb and thank you.' (her husband shifted his eyes and raised a hand awkwardly as I stormed away).

    I suppose not speaking to anyone for nearly two weeks had built up some emotions in me, though I never expected to release it that way. It seemed heroic and brave at first with everyone at the table staring at me, even Aunt Jennifer was speechless for once... speechless enough to not have another drink and spit venom in my eyes at least. But the feeling dissipated fast as the remaining dinner was consumed rapidly and wordlessly once I returned, the dessert diplomatically tasted and the rest of the family scattering away from me without acknowledgement.
    There was a shovel in the yard, amidst the high snow. Not that I needed one apparently. 

    (xxxiv) -- Seven


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