Monday 15 June 2020

East End Eats V: Garden Gate Restaurant (The Goof)

If you're a long time east-ender (or an adopted one like me) then odds are you've stumbled upon The Goof at some point. Heck it even has a Wikipedia page. It's been around now for almost seventy years and combined with its trademark sign is unquestionably an iconic look into Toronto's past.

Its status as a great landmark is not up for debate. Does the food share such deserved distinction, however? Despite living barely a block away for half a decade, I've only eaten there twice. Well if I'm doing a gradual series of articles about Beaches/east end food spots, a legendary place like this definitely deserves a thorough look, right?

Thing is, there really isn't much else to describe beyond the legend. The food is pretty ordinary. Oh it's definitely not bad, I've had much worse Chinese food (apologizes to my friend's toilets). There's just nothing remarkable flavour wise, a taste and smell of 'ordinary' covers it all.

It's no bargain but it won't scorch your wallet (the portions are on the generous side) and it basically tastes exactly how you'd expect it to taste. Basic Chinese-ish food, by the book. It ain't bad, it's just a destination more for nostalgia than culinary ecstasy. Hey, when a craving hits they're open a bit later than most (even now) and who's to judge. I've eaten way too many bags of Ruffles chips to earn my gavel (and Ruffles are objectively gross, they're chalky as hell).

To use a vacuous phrase one of my dearest friends absolutely hates: "it is what it is". I'm glad 'it', being the Goof, exists, and hope it continues to do so. I know my next bag of Ruffles isn't too far around the next bend.

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